Children's Services - Fee Subsidy
The city of Toronto offers a Child Care Fee Subsidy to help families with the cost of licensed child care. There is a waitlist for fee subsidy, so it is recommended that you apply as soon as possible. You can apply as soon as you know you are pregnant or expecting a child through adoption. PCH holds a purchase of service agreement with Toronto Children's Services so that we can provide families with subsidized childcare.
Families who have applied to the City of Toronto's waitlist for fee subsidy must also apply to PCH's general waitlist if they are interested in care at our centre.
Apply Online for a Child Care Fee Subsidy.
To be eligible for help with the cost of licensed child care for children (up to 12 years old) you must meet the following criteria:
Your family
lives in Toronto,
is moving to Toronto, or
you are an employee of the City of Toronto
Each parent/guardian is either
looking for work,
in school or planning to go to school, or
if you or your child has a special need you can also apply
Each parent/guardian has submitted their most recent Income Tax Return
If you are a new immigrant to Canada this year or if you are under 18 years of age, you may apply without your most recent Tax Return
To find out how much you're eligible for, use the Toronto Children's Services Online Subsidy Calculator.